
Ferrell, O.C

Business a changing world Christine Scheid Doug Hughes - 0 - new york Mc Graw Hill 2009 - 587 - 0 .

Business: A Changing World is the fastest growing introductory business textbook on the market, and for a simple reason. Unlike most brief textbooks on the market, which are trimmed and spliced from much longer works into an approximation of an essentials edition, Business: A Changing World is written from the ground up to be brief, lean, and flexible enough to enable you to cover just the topics you want at the level of depth you want, plus it doesn’t inherit out-dated examples from a hardback derivative.


Business: A Changing World is the fastest growing introductory business textbook on the market, and for a simple reason. Unlike most brief textbooks on the market, which are trimmed and spliced from much longer works into an approximation of an essentials edition, Business: A Changing World is written from the ground up to be brief, lean, and flexible enough to enable you to cover just the topics you want at the level of depth you want, plus it doesn’t inherit out-dated examples from a hardback derivative.

978-0-07-351172-6 7400


Business in a changing world

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