Obeidi, Mahdi

The bomb in my garden:the secrets of Sadam's nuclear mastermind - 0 - Canada John Wiley & Sons, Inc 2004 - 242 - 0 .

Praise for The Bomb in My Garden"This one book will tell you more about Iraq's quest for weapons of mass destruction than all U.S. intelligence on the subject. It is a fascinating and rare glimpse inside Saddam Hussein's Iraq-and inside a tyrant's mind." -Fareed Zakaria author of The Future of Freedom"The Bomb in My Garden is important and utterly gripping. The old clicheacute; is true-you start reading, and you don't want to stop. Mahdi Obeidi's story makes clear how hard Saddam Hussein tried to develop a nuclear weapon, and the reasons he fell short. It is also unforgettable as a picture of how honorable people tried to cope with a ...


Praise for The Bomb in My Garden"This one book will tell you more about Iraq's quest for weapons of mass destruction than all U.S. intelligence on the subject. It is a fascinating and rare glimpse inside Saddam Hussein's Iraq-and inside a tyrant's mind." -Fareed Zakaria author of The Future of Freedom"The Bomb in My Garden is important and utterly gripping. The old clicheacute; is true-you start reading, and you don't want to stop. Mahdi Obeidi's story makes clear how hard Saddam Hussein tried to develop a nuclear weapon, and the reasons he fell short. It is also unforgettable as a picture of how honorable people tried to cope with a ...

0-471-67956-8 5300


Nuclear weapons-iraq

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