Snair, Scott.

Stop the meeting I want to get off!:how to eliminate endless meetings while improving your team's communication, productivity, and effectiveness - 0 - new york McGraw-Hill 2003 - 260 - 0 .

Meetings are the bane of modern corporate culture. Today's managers spend between 25 percent and 75 percent of their workday in meetings, at least half of which are unproductive, if not downright destructive. In a book that is sure to be warmly embraced by beleaguered managers, a decorated Desert Storm platoon leader ...


Meetings are the bane of modern corporate culture. Today's managers spend between 25 percent and 75 percent of their workday in meetings, at least half of which are unproductive, if not downright destructive. In a book that is sure to be warmly embraced by beleaguered managers, a decorated Desert Storm platoon leader ...

0071411062, 9780071411066 4875


Business & Economics / Business Communication / General ,Meetings & Presentations ,Entrepreneurship ,Leadership ,Management ,Workplace Culture ,Business meetings ,Communication in management ,Organizational effectiveness

650 / S-69