John A.Anderies

Sustaining the Commons : - United States CENTER FOR THE STUDY OF INSTITUTIONAL DIVERSITY ARIZONA STATE UNIVERSITY 2013 - 180 хуудастай фото, газрын зураг, хүснэгт, диаграмм,

Theoretical background -- 1 — Why Study the Commons? --
2 — Defining Institutions -- 3 — Action Arenas and Action Situations -- 4 — Social Dilemmas -- Case Studies -- 5 — Water Governance -- 6 — Harvesting the Commons -- 7 — Design Principles to Sustain the Commons --
Part III. Human Behavior -- 8 — Social Dilemmas in the Laboratory 9 — Self-governance in the laboratory Part IV. Rules of the Games -- 10 — Classifying Rules -- 11 — Rules, Norms and Shared Strategies -- Part V. Applying the Framework -- 12 — Public Health and Collective Action -- 13 — The Digital Commons -- 14 — Rules of the Game: Applications to Sport --
15 — Challenges ahead --


sustaining the commons commons governance

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