Santrock, John w

Adolescence Michael j. sugarman Mike Ryan - 0 - new york Mc Graw Hill 2008 - 510 - 0 .

More students learn from John Santrock’s Adolescence than from any other text in this field. Students and instructors rely on the careful balance of accurate, current research and applications to the real lives of adolescents. This new 12th edition features expanded coverage of emerging adulthood, increased coverage of brain development, integrated and expanded coverage of health and wellness, and a new and improved Visual Assets Database for instructors.


More students learn from John Santrock’s Adolescence than from any other text in this field. Students and instructors rely on the careful balance of accurate, current research and applications to the real lives of adolescents. This new 12th edition features expanded coverage of emerging adulthood, increased coverage of brain development, integrated and expanded coverage of health and wellness, and a new and improved Visual Assets Database for instructors.

978-0-07-338261-6 6400



305.23 / D-22